Md Moniruzzaman Sojol
2 min readApr 8, 2021


10 days of javascript with HackerRank

From today i am trying to discuss about 10 days of Javascript challenge on HackerRank which is strong about our basic of Javascript.This series focuses on learning and practicing JavaScript.Site of HackerRank :

Day-0: hello world:

Task:A greeting function is provided for you in the editor below. It has one parameter, parameterVariable . Perform the following tasks to complete this challenge:

  1. Use console.log() to print Hello, World! on a new line in the console, which is also known as stdout or standard output. The code for this portion of the task is already provided in the editor.
  2. Use console.log() to print the contents of parameterVariable (i.e., the argument passed to main).

You’ve got this!!!

Solution: here greeting function is editor function you should write your code on this function

function greeting(parameterVariable) {console.log(‘Hello, World!’);//here you can also use double qoute.. console.log(parameterVariable);}

Day 0 : Data Types :

Task :

Variables named firstInteger,firstDecimal, and firststring are declared for you in the editor below. You must use the operator to perform the following sequence of operations:

  1. Convert secondInteger to an integer (Number type), then sum it with firstInteger and print the result on a new line using console.log.
  2. Convert secondDecimal to a floating-point number (Number type), then sum it with firstDecimal and print the result on a new line using console.log.
  3. Print the concatenation of firstString and secondString on a new line using console.log. Note that firstString must be printed first.

Solution :

function performOperation(secondInteger, secondDecimal, secondString) {const firstInteger = 4+Number(secondInteger);const firstDecimal = 4.0+Number(secondDecimal);const firstString = ‘HackerRank ‘;console.log(firstInteger)console.log(firstDecimal)console.log(firstString.concat(secondString))}

Thanks everyone. Here is from my side today.


